Miyerkules, Enero 29, 2014

Cat: Touches the Heart

"I have felt cats rubbing their faces against mine and touching my cheek with claws carefully sheathed. This things, to me, are expressions of love". -James Herriot

My babies: Pinyin, Legend, Tiger and Morning

I was five years old back then, when my father brought home a stray kitten he picked on the street. I named him "Morlac", he used to be my playmate, he sleeps besides me at night and I just find him so sweet. He stayed with us a year or two, and then one day he suddenly disappeared. I tried to look for him but he did not return. Morlac is my first pet.

I already adopted fifteen cats since I was a kid; unhappily, some of them were lost out of nowhere just like Morlac, but most of them died because of accidents, disease and old age. People would think it is pathetic to cry over a dying cat, but for me it is just the same feeling when one of your family members got ill and died.

I remember when one of my cats "Tuti" died in front me. He got stricken by a car that caused his death. I don’t know what to feel at that very moment. I saw my pet bled and  strived for breath for a seconds, and all of a sudden he died. My eyes went wet and my heart was torn into pieces. It was such a tragic and gloomy day. 

My newly adopted cat "Morning"

My childhood life could have been boring without my pet cats and even today, these little creatures give color and meaning to my life. Every time I arrives at home and they are running toward me, I actually feels that I am loved and appreciated. Certainly, cats could touch the heart. 

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